Corporate Insurance
Key Person Insurance
Like many small businesses, your business is probably incredibly dependent on you, and it would be extremely difficult to replace you. Your company might not be able to conduct itself in its usual fashion and could potentially create losses which would not be financed. The same may be true for a key employee of the business. If an insured employee or owner were to pass away, the benefits payable from a key person life or disability insurance plan could help you to recruit, hire and train a replacement, pay off debt and manage creditors, and reassure your customers that your business will survive.
Business Partnership Insurance
Partnership insurance is also known as Shareholder or Buy/Sell Agreement insurance. When there is more than one owner of a company, it is essential that a Buy/Sell Agreement be in place. Business Partnership Insurance will ensure that there will be funds available to purchase those shares of a partner who is no longer active in the business, whether it be due to death or disability.
Corporate Insurance Retirement Strategies
Your successful business allows you to grow and retain savings in a tax effective manner but faces the possibility of increased taxation on passive income, capital gains and corporate dividends. A Corporate Insured Retirement Strategy provides a great opportunity to diversify your corporate investment portfolio by providing both tax-free life insurance for your beneficiaries, and a conservative tax-sheltered investment that can be used to provide income for your retirement.